'Fall Run' Western Speed Painting By Robert Hagan

[postlink]http://artlessons4free.blogspot.com/2010/09/fall-run-western-speed-painting-by.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C75VI8hYEsYendofvid [starttext]The Aspen Valley in Colorado in Fall is stunning. The red rock bluffs drop vertically to the small river valley floor and are the perfect backdrop to the Aspen trees as they switch color from green to yellow to orange during September. Some change earlier than others so there is inevitably a mix of these colors for the sort 3 week period of transformation.  add a river and then some horses running loose and we have a painting that should get everyones attention.[endtext]


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“Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.”...Henry Van Dyke

"Painting and observing directly from life is the best way to learn to paint, but studying other paintings is essential also. Knowledge about painting and technique has been handed down through history so there's no sense in re-inventing the wheel....

Study paintings to see how other artists simplify shapes or how heavy or thin they apply the paint is helpful in developing your own view of nature. Don't study just one artist, but as many as you can. Look at how they treat edges, hard or soft. Look at how they see color, do they push temperature contrast or emphasize muted color harmony. Studying the way other artists deal with composition is helpful too, or how they deal with detail. ...Western artist Phil Starke
